New Agri-Stride Vario slats improving cow comfort in North Yorkshire
SUPA Deep slurry channels delivered
Wolfenden’s latest product innovation – the Agri-Stride range – is proving a success for one Yorkshire farmer and his herd.
At Long Bank Farm in Clapham, North Yorkshire, Colin Price’s herd of 40 pedigree Holsteins are benefitting from Wolfenden’s new flooring solution for herd housing.
Agri-Stride Vario wins top award at the UK’s premier agricultural show

Overall winner, GYS Innovation Awards – Richard Moody, Wolfenden Concrete (left); Awards sponsor John Lawrence, Institution of Engineering and Technology (right)
Wolfenden’s latest innovation – the Agri-Stride Vario dual-spanning hybrid slat – won the Engineering Innovation Award, before being named overall winner at the Great Yorkshire Show Innovation Awards 2024.
GYS Innovation Awards are open to all UK agri-business, with four categories covering: engineering innovation; digital innovation; management innovation, alongside the UK agri-tech start-up award. They recognise products and businesses that offer significant improvement and innovation for British agriculture. Wolfenden’s commitment to herd welfare, on-farm sustainability and product innovation for farming have been recognised by leading agricultural experts and by the Awards Sponsors, the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET).
Wolfenden launch Agri-Stride: a hybrid flooring range focused on animal welfare and the environment – including a world-first
Building on the positive impacts our hybrid slats are showing on-farm, for dairy productivity and herd welfare, Wolfenden’s latest innovation is the Agri-Stride range. The first two products – Agri-Stride Classic and Agri-Stride Vario – provide the cutting-edge innovation that farmers expect from Wolfenden, the only UK-based manufacturer of hybrid flooring solutions.
Wolfenden recognised for manufacturing success and sustainability in regional business awards
The finalists for the Pendle Business Awards have been announced, with Wolfenden selected for the prestigious Make it in Pendle Award.

Richard Moody, Managing Director at Wolfenden, comments,
“Recognition is always appreciated, particularly when it comes from either the farming sector or the Pendle region. Wolfenden have been based in Kelbrook for over 30 years, and every product we develop is designed and manufactured here, contributing to regional business growth.
Our hybrid product innovation recognised by the judging panel – particularly the sustainability agenda which drives our new product lines – is key to our own company growth. Environmental issues and improved animal welfare drive everything we do – and this is helping position us as a leading dairy infrastructure specialist, working at the forefront of innovation for British farming.”
Hybrid Supa Slats in action: modernising a dairy for more efficient farming and a happier, healthier herd
When Andrew and Richard Pidcock-Matkin and family decided to invest in the dairy housing at their family farm in Nottinghamshire, they came to Wolfenden for advice on adapting an existing building so that it could incorporate the latest developments in robotic milking, extend their slurry stores, and include the latest hybrid flooring products for hoof health and cow comfort.

Top industry recognition for innovation – Wolfenden’s Hybrid Supa Slats shortlisted for RIDBA New Product Award 2023
Wolfenden are, once again, in the spotlight for dairy product innovation, as the next generation Hybrid Supa Slats have been selected by the Rural & Industrial Design and Building Association (RIDBA) for their New Product or Service Award 2023.
The RIDBA is the UK’s leading trade association for modern agricultural and industrial buildings and is a highly respected voice in the sector, representing member views to government and major stakeholders across British farming and the rural economy.
Fresh tech investment at Wolfenden to promote innovation for UK dairy farmers
All businesses want and need to get the best value for money – and for UK agriculture that’s necessary now, more than ever. Current pricing information is crucial to inform decisions in volatile markets and through uncertain economic times.
To provide dairy farmers with the best possible product options, Wolfenden have invested in a new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, to benefit customers while also streamlining their own business operations. It’s a significant back-end investment ensuring that Wolfenden can maximise their capacity to plough revenue back into new product design and development, to help dairy farmers across the country.
Grant funding for slurry – what dairy farmers need to know
DEFRA have opened their much-anticipated Slurry Infrastructure grant scheme, to help farmers improve or expand slurry stores – and the deadline for Stage 1 applications is 31st January 2023.
The purpose of the grants is to help farmers future-proof slurry infrastructure, to make better use of organic nutrients; improve water quality; improve air quality and reduce greenhouse gases. And these imperatives chime perfectly with Wolfenden’s ethos: helping farmers to reduce emissions and make on-farm improvements for better herd welfare, a better working environment, and more efficient use of resources.
Hybrid Supa Slats highly commended for their innovation

An innovation that UK dairy farmers have been crying out for, Wolfenden’s new Hybrid Supa Slats were this week highly commended, against tough competition, for the Product or Service Innovation Award, one of five NW SME Growth & Innovation Awards for 2022. The Awards recognise innovation and business growth, and are an initiative run by the internationally recognised SME Productivity & Innovation Centre at Edge Hill University.
The judging panel recognised Wolfenden’s innovation in designing and manufacturing a product which addresses herd welfare, emission reduction, and on-farm structural capacity issues – critical problems facing the UK’s dairy sector.