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Project: cattle housing unit

Location: Wyndham Farm, Caldbeck

We were approached by Mr Ray Faulder of Lakes Walling Systems, who were acting on behalf of Mr Thomas Todd of Wyndham Farm, which is located in the northern fells of Cumbria. The farm needed to re-build its cattle housing unit to include slurry storage and undercover facilities whilst improving animal welfare and overall efficiency.

The project provides a good example of our flexible way of working and willingness to adapt to different requirements.

  • The bulk of the excavation work was done by Mr Todd himself
  • Lakes Walling concreted the floor and erected vertical panels to form the tank walls
  • Wolfenden precast columns were then erected to support various sizes of cattle slats and precast cubicle beds, which were laid out head to head to form a complete suspended floor over the storage tank. We also supplied the unit with double sided precast feed troughs.


In the words of Mr Todd: “Wolfenden were able to come up with a design to suit my existing layout. They were always available and very adaptable to changes as the job progressed. Everything was here when it was needed. I was very pleased with the precast products and how the finished job has turned out.”